Friday, March 13, 2009

i'm typing with one hand while cuddling a five pound miracle girl in my other arm. A few minutes ago i gave my sweet nephew back to his mama. this evening i have eaten pizza while crowded into the living room at mountain mom and grizzley dad's house nwatching the wvu game. i have been grinned at. i have been given a sweet belly laugh. i have given many rasberries (one of which scared him to death and made me feel horrible... note to self, don't blow rasberries on his feet). i have passed babies around. i have kissed the fevered forehead of a sick niece (she supposed to come home with us tonight). i have smooched fuzzy little heads until i think i wore off some hair. i've been spit-up on. i've pretty much worn a certain nephew's entire diiner tonight...these jeans will have to be washed a little sooner than normal.

I love my family.

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