Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Playin' in the Snow

We were able to get a little more snow play in before lunch this morning, then it all melted away into a beautiful sunny day.

Prophet threw a snowball a Smart Guy as he took the picture.

If you blow-up this picture (click on it) you should be able to see Smart Guy at the edge of the woods as he came up behind the boys from the woods with armfulls of snowballs to "ambush" them!

D.K. rubbed Prophet's face with snow to get him back for all the close range snowballs he had taken in the face the last two days. Brrrr! Look at those red cheeks!

Smart Guys... actually I'm not sure what he's doing here!

The beginnings of D.K.'s snow fort that he affectionally named "Fort Grace" in honor of his favorite mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like you are having an absolute blast!