Sunday, December 2, 2007

Upwards Basketball

For anyone not familiar with the Upwards sports organization, I'll tell you a little about it. It's an organization that is sponsored by local churches for young kids to play in. They pray at each practice and game. They give out devotional cards with each game. Each child recieves a star to attach to their jersey for each game they play. Each child is encouraged in their own way. They make the kids feel so important. During the opening of each game they turn off the lights, turn on the disco ball, the spot light and the music, and announce each child's name over the speakers as their picture is shown on the huge screen. It's really fun! The only sport we've ever participated in is basketball, but they also have soccer, flag football, and cheerleading.

The dude on the left in the gold coaches shirt is my Smart Guy coaching Prophet's team!

Prophet's the one on the very right.

Prophet's the only one in a blue shirt in the group on the right.

Prophet's the one with his arms up and his legs spread right in the middle of the group on the left.

I felt so bad for the boys. After all their work each week, they have yet to win a game. This weeks score was especially sad!


Anonymous said...

They are learning sportsmanship and working as a team. Having fun in the process...Congrats to the boys for their games. Great job and great team effort

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passadinha lá no meu, que é sobre frases e poesias, espero que goste. O endereço dele é Um abraço.