Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Welcome Treat

Each Sunday evening many of us come together to help cook a meal for the "downtowners" in our town. Tonight we had a very awesome and very welcome treat from the Panera's restaurant that opened in the north part of town sometime last week...about 40 dozen bagels and enough uncut loaves of bread to feed our entire crew and then some for the evening. We bagged up the bagels in bags of 6 and put them into the bags of groceries that are given out and then put the rest of the bags out for the taking after the meal was over. What we didn't use is being taken to The Salvation Army in the morning. Panera's doesn't use this donation as a write-off, it's just a straight-up donation. They plan to continue giving us their "extra" each week for our meal. We normally try to frequent local places in town, but I will definitely be giving Panera's some business. Thank-you Panera's for your help!

This is the bread we served with the meal.

These are just some of the many bags of bagels we bagged up!

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