Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Sara Orange Gang

I tried to get a picture of The Sara Orange Gang while they were all having one of their story telling adventures, but no one would sit still long enough to get a clear one, so I thought I'd put them all on here. The stories she comes up with are hilarious. They usually involve the police, dinosaurs, and quite often lobsters. I don't know how she does it. Prophet says "Tell me a story Sara Orange", sits down in her lap, at ten he's gettin' kinda big, (especially for 5 foot tall Inkling), and expects a story to immediately be spewing from her brain. She doesn't just tell a little 3 minute tale either. They are long. Sometimes they'll last 20 minutes or so. It's hilarious. She's been doing this with my kids since they were about 18 months old, so they just expect it from her. I love the relationship the four of them have. She loves my small people. Other than myself and their grandmothers, there's no other woman on the planet that loves them more. She's the only person, not blood related to me, that can tell me my daughter's a brat and not offend me. It's okay, I know she loves her and mostly thinks she's precious. Somehow I think anyone who has Bee get right in their face first thing in the morning and wakes them up by animatedly saying "Sara Orange are you awake yet, ya wanna play pop-up pirate with me?" when it's technically only 6:30 am in her part of the world has earned the right to call her something other than Bee!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it looks like a blast. Wish I could be a fly on the wall.