Friday, March 21, 2008

It's All About Perspective People

...Reality Check

You all know how I've been growling about the cold and nasty weather that just doesn't seem to wanna give up don't ya? Yah, though so. Well, yesterday I stopped by the church to drop Bee off with her daddy while I ran out for Easter basket stuff. Just as I got there, one of the older women's bible study groups was letting out. As I walked (blew) in the door, one the ladies was standing there bundling herself up for her walk home in the cold wind and snowy ground. I said, "I'm so tired of this nasty stuff. I'm ready for spring." Her response shocked me, "I'm not. Spring means that it's time for my son to go to the middle east. He leaves at the end of March."

All the sudden I felt very petty. This woman has no car. She walks everywhere she needs to go, in the cold, and all she cares about is her son going away. My heart sunk for her. I'd put up with the cold forever if it only meant that no more of our soldiers had to go over there and that the ones who are there could just come home to their families.

This has to stop. Bring them home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh sweety...((((Hugs)))