Thursday, May 8, 2008

No Water Creatures in Our House, Please!

It should be against the law for teacher's to send a child home with anything living...especially something that lives in water. I hate water creatures... they stink, they have to have their water changed, they stink, they eventually die and leave a child feeling guilty for doing something bad to them, and oh, did I mention, they stink! I know, I sound like a big fuddy-duddy! If this was a particular other person, I'd be thinking, just get over it and let your kid have fun with it!

Doesn't the fish bowl full of three tadpoles look pretty on my dining room table?

Just so you don't think I'm overreacting... D.K. just brought these home from school today, and the only one left living at this hour, five hours after coming hom is the big one on the left. The other two have already kicked the bucket! Poor D.K. looked so pitiful when he realized they'd already died!

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