Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just Another Day

It's late and I really need to go to bed, but I'm just not sleepy yet. I know I'll regret not going to bed at a decent time when it's time to roll out of bed in the morning so I can walk to school with the kids so I can work all morning in Bee's kindergarten classroom, but right now I've got things on my mind and I don't necessarily want them to go away just yet. Soooo, I figured I'd sit and blog for awhile. That way no one can start griping that I've gone MIA.

I got lots done today. I spent the morning like I spend every Tuesday morning, in the boys class. I love being in there. I really do. I pretty much do busy work the entire time, but it helps the teachers get stuff done, so that's what I do. I did the behavior charts for both teachers, graded, filed several papers into the kids' folders, hung some stuff on the wall, and chatted with the teachers more than usual because the students were having a lesson about how Wall Street works from a group of accountants who apparently go around trying to teach 4th graders how it all works. Maybe I should have been listening more closely. I mean, if they can really simplify it enough for a 4th grader to understand it, maybe I could understand it. It was apparently a very fun day according to my boys. They even had a pizza party afterwards!!

After I was done in there, I walked the school halls and staircases for about 10 minutes (about three laps from one end to the other with all the steps included for those of you that know the building), and ended at Bee's classroom just as they were lining up to walk outside to the parents. They had a sub today, so I wasn't sure she'd know who I was taking her out of the line, but all the kids yelled "Bee, there's your mom", when I walked up, so she believed them! We walked down, got my coat out of D.K.'s locker and walked home. After she ate lunch, Bee invited the little girl next door over to play with playdough. After playing for about 45 mintues and actually doing a fine job of cleaning up, they decided it was time for dress-up! So they ran around as Cinderella and a bride for about an hour before heading over to the neighbors house to play there while I walked over to get the boys!!

During the afternoon, I swept the kitchen, did about three loads of laundry, vacuumed the downstairs (except our bedroom), cleaned off the computer table (I swear it grows papers), started pork chops in the crock-pot for dinner, and talked to Ruby on the phone for awhile. It's been a fairly productive day.

For dinner we had nice comfy meal to go with the cold, cloudy weather... pork chops slow-cooked all afternoon, baked sweet potatoes with brown sugar and cinnamon butter, stuffing, and green beans. It was yummy! The only thing that could have made it better would have been a pumpkin pie, but seeing how I've been walking like a crazy woman I'd rather not totally undo any good I've done to my thighs, ya know!!

Well, I really should get off of here and go to bed. My mind is going nuts with something I know I have to do. Forgive me for being vague and please don't ask for more info, and no Grandma nothing horrible is going on. I just have to deal with something stupid that I did awhile back... so just call me "Chicken Little", okay!!


Kristy said...

I'm gonna need more info. =) jk Pretty blankies and your dinner sounds awesome. That's really cool how much you help out at the school. That's a mini poem for you that I just made up.

STEPH said...

I love the blankies!! O yeah and I was starting think hat you went MIA!! LOL!!