I adore pictures of my hubby with the kids from behind. This one's no exception. This is the dreariness that was our day at the zoo.
This is Bee sitting next to Fluffy, the 300 pound, 24 ft. long, 14 year old reticulated python. This sucker eats 10 pounds of rabbits once a week. He's the biggest snake on exhibit anywhere! The sign next to him says "Will Hug For Food"! He's an amazing creature!!
D.K. and the giant moose statue. The actual moose exhibit wasn't quite as impressive. Apparently moose are smarter than humans and get in out of the rain, as we only saw one of them out.
Prophet wrestling with the giant bear statue!!
Just bein' goofy!!
Funny story... The Columbus Zoo has quite possibly got the best gorilla exhibit in the world. The outside exhibit is a huge playground and the inside exhibits are split into three huge glass-walled rooms. Since it was raining, all of the gorillas were inside where we could watch them up close. We were the only ones in the building for the first 15 minutes we were there. While I was watching one of the females, I sat down on the wall sorta leaning my shoulder on the glass. Now, gorillas are very human-like (poor things) and they will actually interact with people thru the glass. This female was about 6 inches away from me on the other side of the glass, so I puckered up my lips and put them as close to the glass as I could. She did the same thing. She actually kissed the glass where my lips were. I was totally captured in the moment and then the little devil reaches up and smacks the glass as hard as she could right in my face. I just about wet my pants!! We laughed so hard! It was hilarious. Okay, so maybe you actually had to be there, but trust me here okay!!
Well, I really must go to bed now! If only I were actually sleepy!! Oy!
1 comment:
Grace - So glad you were able to find me again! I think I do remember you leaving a comment! I don't know if you saw or not, but I have a link to Parker's blog on my sidebar! He is doing good, little but strong and mighty and I have faith that God will continue to help him become a big boy!
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