Saturday, September 8, 2007

I'm in a funk tonight. I'm feeling really blah! I've been crying and feeling sorry for myself. I've lost a friend. A best-friend. I haven't spoken to her since the first week of June. I called her, she didn't call back. I don't know what to do. She's angry. I understand why.


Inkling said...

I'm sorry this situation is killing you, and wish I could make it better. She will come around, at least, I think she will. It will just take time. You did what you thought was right, and you may have made a difference that will heal generations to come. So keep on standing firm, and keep on reaching out in love, and just wait to see what God will do with this one. In the meantime, know that I love you lots.

Anonymous said...

Remember that everything happens for a reason. If it was you being a good friend, and giving "tough love", then that is what she needed, and she'll get over it. Also, if she really is a best friend, then she'll overcome what she's upset about because she won't want to lose an important person in her life. You obviously did what you felt compelled by God to do; which is exactly what you should have done!! Keep your head up.
