Monday, September 24, 2007

It's a Date

At first I thought having Bee going to preschool from 12:30 until 3:00 three days a week seemed odd. (every other school my kids have attented or I've worked in have always had mornings only) Now I realize that leaves three lunch dates open for Daddy and Mommy each week. Awesome! I went to the church to pick him up right after I dropped her off at school. We sat and ate and talked, just the two of us, for an hour and twenty minutes! I love being with my Smart Guy!


Lauren said...

Yahoo! Good for you guys!

Angie said...

i'm so jealous!!! when can i have a date with you for lunch!!! hee hee ha ha ha ha! miss ya girl! can't wait to see you at NYWC...I'll be the one in black at the front waiving my hands around!! But i will get some free time! love ya!