Friday, November 24, 2006

Ewwwww, Gross!!

Well, my in-laws just walked in about an hour ago. mother-in-law ( have I mentioned she's a good one) and myself are standing in the kitchen talking. Something possesses me to look up at my kitchen fan, which is white. I notice that the white ball pull things on the ends of the chains are COVERED with little brown spots. I was immediately clueless and grossed out at the same time. I climb up on a chair to check it out closer. At this point I notice the same spots all over each blade of the entire fan. I knew what it of those stupid, little, orange, lady-bug looking beetles. Three weeks ago they were all over the inside of my house. One of them apparently decided to roost up inside the hole in the bottom of the pull on my fan chain and poop everywhere. Not to be gross or anything, but I don't even poop that much and I have Crohn's disease:)! Thankfully I have a mother-in-law who doesn't judge me by my cleaning abilities ( mainly because hers aren't any better than mine. No offense Mountain Mom) It came right off with a Magic Eraser. The question now is this... do I reuse the Magic Eraser? It's only been used once before and has many uses left in it!!!


Inkling said...

sounds like you had a lady bug convention while you were for the magic eraser.....I have no idea. Doesn't the part you use waste away, and a new part is exposed?

BTW, I love your honesty and openness. It even beats mine....

Anonymous said...

Grace, you can reuse those magic erasers until they crumble to nothing. I don't throw mine away until it's falling apart in my hands.

PS Welcome to blogworld It's so nice to meet you!


Grace said...

Yes, technically I can use the Magic Eraser until it dissolves to nothingness, BUT afte cleaning up the "pseudo-ladybug's" poop with it, do I really want to!! OOOOOO!!

Lauren said...

i'm with you, grace. CAN you use it versus WOULD you want to use it are 2 different things. Yuck. Of course you're able to use it, and you might feel guilty over money spent and not used. (If you're like one part of me. The other part would chuck it into the trash in a heartbeat... and that part would win.)