Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm So Vain

Okay, so we go out to the car after church this morning. I bend over to look at something under the van and see my legs. It's been about two weeks since I shaved them and I wore capri (crop - don't know the diff) this morning. My legs are pasty-white and hairy...oooooooooooo gross! Thankfully the lights in the sanctuary are always dim. I know I'm pathetic, but I have this thing with my own hairy legs in public.


Anonymous said...

Your legs saw daylight? You are one brave soul. My legs don't do daylight very well. It scares everyone away!

Anonymous said...

So who is going to look besides you? Not to worry! Lots of other stuff to be concerned about. YOU! Your health! your family! Etc. Love you! nlt

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Ooo...I've had so many moments like that! Feel the same way as you, like everyone is going to be checking out my legs or something. =P

Lauren said...

You and me both. I opted not to shave sunday morning and wished my skirt were longer than just below the knees. But I had just shave on Saturday, and I did not want to mess with it again.

Caslon said...

My philosophy is if they can see my leg hair... they are too close anyway!

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

When does one have time to shave legs.....???? Oh maybe last year I did....

Lauren said...

trust me, if you had hair like mine, you wouldn't have the option not to... i call it horse hair.