Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dear Christ United Methodist Church,

Well since I now know that some of you are reading here, I figured I'd write directly to you. I am so sorry that this has all come down to this. I cry as I write this. I wish I was a person with more integrity like my husband. But alas, I am lacking in that area. I don't care how I make a single person on the SPRC or the senior staff position feel right now. None of you did your jobs. Promises were made to us that were not kept. The people who are chosen to run your church ran us out.

I so wish that my children could have grown-up in this town and continued under the guidance of many of you. You are wonderful people. I love you. Now that I've started writing I don't even know what to say to you. I can't hardly see the screen thru my tears.

I wish you all blessings. I wish you an easy transition. I wish you happy children thru the transition. I wish that all the kids we are leaving behind, especially the one that wouldn't even look my hubby in the eye at the bookstore the other night, could understand that we don't want to leave them. I wish I could stand on the church stage and give everyone who is confused and hurt an explanation that wouldn't tear the church apart. I wish the truth wasn't the truth. I wish SPRC could see the truth.

I am so sorry it has come down to this.

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