Saturday, April 7, 2007


Well, the boys needed haircuts so they look decent on Easter morning and I'm not up to doing it, so Smart Guy has taken them for their first professional haircut in their lives. I can't wait to see what they look like when they get back... could be interesting. I did make a quick trip to Wally World yesterday to get them new outfits for tomorrow morning. Bee already had her dress.

I got a birthday package from my in-laws today containing 6 individually wrapped presents. I felt like a kid. It was cool. I sat on my bed and relished opening every one of them while no one else was here to ask to help.

My mom paid someone to come clean my house today.

I still don't want to eat anything... ick... no appetite...

Note to everyone.... those Icebreakers sours things that have a warning on the back of the container to be careful because the sour stuff in them will irritate your mouth, is serious. My tongue feels so wierd right now, but they sure are good!!

So long! BTW... thanks for all the prayers!


Lauren said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! Was it today?

Ooh.. not having to cut the boys' hair. I like the sound of that!

Anonymous said...

WHAT??? There was a birthday? How in the world did I miss this? Oh MAN!! Some friend I am..

Happy Birthday Sweetie. Enjoy every breath.

Love and Prayers

crt said...

professional house cleaners - the best gift anyone can give. :-)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I agree with crt, that's a way better present than flowers! =)