Wednesday, February 14, 2007


.... Bee just came running over and wants me to tell everyone that she had gum this morning. This is a very important moment in our house, for you aren't allowed to have gum until you're four. It was never a really big deal with the boys since they are so close in age, but for Bee she's been watching her brothers chew it for years and wanted some so bad. Soooo, she's about to bust from excitement over her first piece of watermelon flavored, sugarless, Extra gum! She tried the spearmint, but decided it was "too spicy" and threw it away. So far, she hasn't swallowed it and has kept it in her mouth. What a big, four year old!!


Anonymous said...

that is important news huge bubbles though..(don't like cleaning that mess up)

Lauren said...

Now THAT's a milestone!!!

zann said...

Well that's awesome. My congratulations to Bee on being such a big girl :D

Sarah said...

The Princess does that too - chews for like a minute and tosses it. I was always petrified of her chewing gum... afraid of her swallowing it - but she spits it out so quick, so I have no fears anymore!