This conversation took place last week, a few days after Bee graduated into the world of gum chewers and took watermelon flavored Extra gum to pass out to everyone at church.
Bee: Mr. Pete, do you want a piece of my watermelon gum?
Pete: No thanks, I'm old and I can't chew gum.
Approximate 20 minutes later....
Bee: Mr. Pete, please try a piece of my watermelon gum I got for my #4 birthday.
Pete: Nope, I told ya, I'm old and I can't chew gum.
Approximately an hour later....
Bee: Mr. Pete, are you sure you don't want some gum, it's really good?
Pete: Thanks Bee, but I'm sure, I'm old and I can't chew gum.
This conversation took place while I was putting together the scalloped chicken the other night.
Mommy: Mommy's making Grandma Nativity's scalloped chicken Bee. I hope I make it right, I don't have Grandma's recipe.
Bee: Well, why don't you call her Mommy?
Me: Well, Bee, Grandma Nativity is dead now.
Bee: Why did she die?
Me: She was just old and it was time for her to die, Miss Bee.
Bee: Well, Mr. Pete better hurry up and die then.
Me: Bee, why do you think Mr. Pete should die?
Bee: Because he's old, he told me so!!!
I'm giggling my guts out....
Hee hee...there's nothing so hilarious as a child who has no idea how hilarious they are. Love it!
LOL..And all said with the straightest face ever..Makes you giggle inside that they take things so literal
I laughed so hard at this one, Husband thought I'd lost my mind!
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