Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mr. Pete, Just Take the Stinkin' Gum

This conversation took place last week, a few days after Bee graduated into the world of gum chewers and took watermelon flavored Extra gum to pass out to everyone at church.

Bee: Mr. Pete, do you want a piece of my watermelon gum?
Pete: No thanks, I'm old and I can't chew gum.

Approximate 20 minutes later....

Bee: Mr. Pete, please try a piece of my watermelon gum I got for my #4 birthday.
Pete: Nope, I told ya, I'm old and I can't chew gum.

Approximately an hour later....

Bee: Mr. Pete, are you sure you don't want some gum, it's really good?
Pete: Thanks Bee, but I'm sure, I'm old and I can't chew gum.

This conversation took place while I was putting together the scalloped chicken the other night.

Mommy: Mommy's making Grandma Nativity's scalloped chicken Bee. I hope I make it right, I don't have Grandma's recipe.

Bee: Well, why don't you call her Mommy?

Me: Well, Bee, Grandma Nativity is dead now.

Bee: Why did she die?

Me: She was just old and it was time for her to die, Miss Bee.

Bee: Well, Mr. Pete better hurry up and die then.

Me: Bee, why do you think Mr. Pete should die?

Bee: Because he's old, he told me so!!!



Lauren said...

I'm giggling my guts out....

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee...there's nothing so hilarious as a child who has no idea how hilarious they are. Love it!

Anonymous said...

LOL..And all said with the straightest face ever..Makes you giggle inside that they take things so literal

FarmWife said...

I laughed so hard at this one, Husband thought I'd lost my mind!