Friday, February 16, 2007


Thank you Queen Mother for the wonderful ideas.... if the truth be told.... I hate sand. I loath walking thru it at the beach... it's scratchy and burns your feet. It gets into every nook and cranny and you end up bringing it home and finding it in the middle of the kitchen floor at the strangest times. I do however like to walk in the wet stuff right at the shoreline. I was soooooo totally kidding about filling me yard with it. Bee is begging for a sand box this summer... maybe just a Little Tykes one, we'll see!!


Anonymous said...

Come On Grace,
Secretly you want a sandbox to squish your toes into and make sandcastles out of..Right? Well it's a good for pedicures.


happymcfamily said...

We're with you on the lack of sand enjoyment. I loved it when I was younger, and now it just seems like a pain. My husband doesn't like the beach either. And sandboxes make me think of bugs waiting to bite me.