Monday, February 12, 2007

My God is So Big

This is for American Wife and her family...

"My God is so big,
So strong and so mighty,
There's nothing My God cannot do!!"

A very simple children's song sums up the reason they have made the decision they have. No matter what, they know that God will ride the ride with them and hold onto them thru the bumps and curves.

We're all praying for you guys!!


Anonymous said...

Ruby here!

I appreciate the song as I need to remember that as my daughter is screaming at the top of her newborn lungs as she is given a bath by her daddy - the only good news of her fussing is she hopefully will tire herself out so she will sleep soundly in her crib tonite (please God, PLEASE!).

Hope all is well with you and hopefully I will get a moment without a screaming infant to call you back. Thanks!

Love Ya! Mean it! Really!

Lauren said...

Ah... hopefully the day will come soon enough when your little daughter LOVES bath time so much that she doesn't want to get out. I forgot how much my 16 month old used to hate bath time...

Baby Bear loves that song, Grace. Sometimes she even tries to do the motions.