Friday, January 12, 2007

My Name

There aren't many people with my name...
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

...but I've been accused of being at least two of them over the years. Both times it should have been obvious that it wasn't me. One of things I got in the mail asking for a bill or something to be paid actually had the other woman's s.s. # on it and it wasn't anywhere near mine. One time they were calling someone to be a witness to something that happened in a town that I had never even heard of let alone been in. It also seems that at least one of those other people appears to have a hubby with the same name as mine!! Wierd, huh!!


FarmWife said...

Your last name is VERY popular around here. In fact, BabyGirl's teacher is Mrs. Grace's-last-name. That comes from a family having 11 kids...and all them having large families...there's probably one of you in my neck of the woods!

Grace said...

The only place I've ever heard my name is up in WV where Smart Guy's family is from. My FIL is one of 10 kids, so Smart Guy has somewhere around 45 FIRST cousins alone, when you start adding in all the children of those cousins, it's gets bigger and bigger.

Anonymous said...

There are 497 Norma Turners in this United States. How about that! And people say I unique. Sometimes I don't think that is a compliment. lol lol

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

And yet only one of me...A farm fairy of one.