Thursday, January 4, 2007

She Did It

I just wanted to tell the world that my precious little Bee finally figured out the fine art of holding the end of her shirt sleeve between the palm of her hand and her bent fingers so that her sleeves don't ride up to her shoulders when putting on her coat. Yeah, what a big girl accomplishment!!


Anonymous said...

yea Bea..Maybe she can teach my gramp's how to do that again.

It seems he's forgotten how to put a coat on. He flips it over his head like a cape now..Asked him what he was doing, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Dontcha know this is the way you put a coat on. Flip it over your head, fidget, put your arm in, fidget, and twirl in circles to get the other arm in the sleeve. All while you want to help him, and he pushes you away. He is Mr. Independent Dontcha Know. Go Figure.

FarmWife said...

Wow! Quite an accomplishment. That is Big Girl stuff! Is she still on hairbow strike?

Grace said...

Yes, unfortunately she's still on a hairbow strike, but she has let me put a headband in her hair a few time. They don't stay in very well though!!