Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sick Kid

Okay, so I haven't posted more than a few words for days now, I know. Been busy, been thinkin' about some things, and gotta sick kid. I put in almost eight hours of my 15 hours for the week just yesterday. I wanted to get almost done with it today, but I'm unfortunately at home with a sick Prophet. Temp of almost 103 this morning and hacking up a lung, but the temps down with a dose of Motrin and his cough seems to have stalled for the moment. He seems to be feeling pretty good right now, so we'll see what happens as night comes. He's camped out on our bed watching Toon Disney, coated with Vaporub, and breathing in the humidifier.

Last night when we got into bed, I told Smart Guy that it's "life moments" like yesterday that I wish I lived closer to my best friends. I probably won't get to see the new little one until at least the end of March and by then she'll be two months old... which is much smaller than the first time I saw Missy Moo Moo... she was over 3 1/2 YEARS old, just last spring. Of course, if we did live closer I wouldn't get to see her right now anyway since I've got a sick child. Anyway, I keep thinking about Ruby and the emotions one goes thru after giving birth to a new life. At first I was a little jealous, thinking back on those first moments with my own, but then I realized that I've had that three times and I'm ready for the next stages of my kids' lives. And i have to say that I'm enjoying the freedom of having no babies!! I'll just have to love little Miss HDYST (new baby - it's means "how do you say that?" or "how do you spell that?"... they and she will be asked that every day of her life) and enjoy watching Ruby mother another baby. Hopefully Miss HDYST doesn't have the colic that plagued her poor big sister and mommy and daddy the first couple months of her life.

As of Sunday morning around 11:00, Heaven is one more good and faithful servant's soul fuller. A very loved member of our congregation unexpectedly died from a tragic accident on Saturday. He went to the YMCA and spent time in the sauna weekly. This past Saturday he fell asleep while he was in there and by the time someone found him, his temp was already 107 and he had shut down. He never woke-up. His wife is an amazing woman. She teaches the Sunday School class I attend and I love to hear her opinions about things. She's in her late 50's and just married her beloved eight years ago. She was never married before that time. I am so heart-broken for her. I spent most of yesterday wandering around feeling strangely lost. Please pray for his wife, family, and our church community. Everyone is feeling the loss deeply.

Well, chat later, gotta go make a late lunch for Prophet and Bee!!


Anonymous said...

So sorry to read of your loss sweety. I hope Prophet starts to feel on the mend. I was talking to Farm Fairy about him yesterday afternoon worried he would spike a fever and sure enough you posted it. Saying prayers for your family and friends.

Lauren said...

Praying for the wife.. what a terrible shock for her!

Hope Prophet is on the mend soon, and nobody else gets it!!!!

Lauren said...

did you guys get the snow like Indy? (see aslan's child blog- link's on mine...)

FarmWife said...

sorry to hear of your loss. that is tragic...

Give Ruby my congratulations on her new arrival! I miss having Inkling around to keep me up to date on all the happenings in their lives!