Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bucket Please

Well, now I've got a stomach bug, or should I say a stomach monster. Prophet has it too. Apparently that puking that Bee did a week ago was more than an upset tummy. I feel bad for Prophet because whenever he's been throwing up because of the flu, his reflux from being premature gets triggered for several weeks and he'll randomly throw-up. Poor guy, just like when he was a baby, he has a sneezing fit right after he gets sick. So now Smart Guy and Drama King have to get it over with before Christmas. I hope it's gone because my mom and dad won't be able to come over for Christmas if we're still sick. Her and Dad had it on Friday and Saturday, hence the reason we didn't go over this weekend for Christmas with Brother and Mrs. Clean. They're both doin' better now!!

On a happy note... Smart Guy brought a present home to me after church today. Last week I was talking with one of youth sponsors while we were cleaning up after the party on Sunday night and she saw me scrubbing out my little crock-pot without a removable crock. She told me I need to get one with a removable crock so I could put it in the dishwasher. I told her I'd had my mom's old one a one time, but about 6 years ago accidently melted the plastic coating around the wire and ruined it. As soon as I saw the package I knew that's what it was! It's one of the big oval ones with the different electonic buttons on the front of it. Cool! I'm so excited. Now when I actually feel like eating again I can make a roast in it... roast is much better in the crock-pot than in the oven, but the one I have now is way to small to cook for 5 of us.

Pray for me, my house is in it's usual weekend slump, but it's driving me crazier than usual. I made some Jell-o for Prophet and I and I actually had my head on the counter the entire time I stirred it. Unfortunately Sundays are not a good day for a Y.P.'s family to get sick, it's a very busy day for him. He did go shopping for chicken noodle soup, jello, crackers, and sprite though before he left. Bee is asleep on the couch for now. She was pathetically covered up with a flannel-lined plastic table cloth when I checked on her last... I don't even know why it's out let alone being used as a blanket on my three year old. I took it off and covered her with a real blanket. I hope she sleeps the rest of day! Well, I better go, the way my brain feels right now I could probably babble on forever.

*While I've been typing Drama King said to Prophet "If you don't go to school tomorrow who's gonna save Courtney at recess?" Prophet said "You can". Drama King replied, "Uh no I can't, I have my own duties, I have to save Taylor." My boys are always trying to protect the girls from the other boys that chase them at recess.


FarmWife said...

So sorry you're ill. That's horrible!

I love the boys' interaction...Will one of them come save me sometime?

Inkling said...

I'm sorry your feeling pukey. While I didn't blog about it, and am trying to ignore the fact, I woke up in the middle of the night last night with something similar. Fortunately, I'm only dealing with a sour stomach as of now, and am hoping the worst is over. Please give Prophet/Incredible Boy a hug from me, and let him know I'm praying for him. I'll be praying for you, and praying that the other two guys in your life stay well so they can serve you all hand and foot. =)

Anonymous said...

Oh man..That bites..(ok bad word right now) but that is just awful you aren't feeling your best.

Hope you feel better quickly..

Your kids have school?

Mine are out of school until Jan 3rd.

Grace said...

Our kids don't get our of school until this Fri. the 22 and they're out until Jan. 9. So school will be missed!!

Dylan and Family said...

Hope you all feel better soon.

aka Dylan and Jonah's Mommy